romantically involved

美 [roʊˈmæntɪkəli ɪnˈvɑːlvd]英 [rəʊˈmæntɪk(ə)li ɪnˈvɒlvd]
  • 有恋爱关系的
romantically involvedromantically involved
  1. They 're not romantically involved .


  2. He became romantically involved with a married woman .


  3. Prelationship is a relationship between people who are not yet but could become romantically involved .


  4. Celebrities2 pretend to be romantically involved in order to obtain press coverage3 .


  5. A girl or young woman with whom a man is romantically involved .


  6. Following her divorce , the actress has been romantically involved with someone .


  7. Take your date or someone you want to be romantically involved with on a roller coaster .


  8. Informal terms for a ( young ) woman . a girl or young woman with whom a man is romantically involved .


  9. She also outlined the moment she discovered that Markle was romantically involved with the sixth-in-line to the British throne .


  10. It 's strange to pay someone you 're romantically involved with to do work for you , even if the compensation is somewhat indirect .


  11. NARRATOR : Domenico and Stefano were romantically involved until 2005 .


  12. You 'll no doubt meet some eligible guys in your workplace , but it 's hazardous to get romantically involved with co-workers .


  13. The newspaper was criticised for hinting , but not quite alleging , that the pair were romantically involved .


  14. For a time , she dated Barl Miller , who we heard was romantically involved with Eleanor .


  15. An immediate family member ( parent , sibling ), friend , or someone with whom you 're romantically involved may be under stress and require your help .


  16. After their breakups , Lynne met Chuck , now 39 , and they became friends , then romantically involved .


  17. Both men and women were equally attracted to romantically involved opposite-sex friends and those who were single ; hot friends were hot and not friends were not , regardless of their relationship status .


  18. In the rom-com , currently in pre-production , Ben Affleck plays a veteran grifter who takes a young , attractive woman under his wing , but things get complicated when they become romantically involved .


  19. Romantically involved for more than three decades before they decided to make it official , Charles and Camilla tied the knot on April 9 , 2005 and reports indicate that Charles public perception improved since he married Camilla .


  20. This pseudo-comedic 1970s crime drama tells the story of two romantically involved con artists named Irving Rosenfeld and Sydney Prosser , who are caught by an FBI agent and forced to scam corrupt politicians .


  21. Romantically involved for more than three decades before they decided to make it official , Charles and Camilla tied the knot on April 9 , 2005 and reports indicate that Charles public perception improved since he married Camilla . "


  22. Two kinds of people won 't be surprised to learn this week that science has demonstrated that narcissists are more attractive for dates than non-narcissists : people who 've had the misfortune of being romantically involved with narcissists ,


  23. Some were wasting their energies on a lost cause though - six percent revealed they had secretly fancied the groom , with three per cent admitting they had even been romantically involved with the man of the hour before he met his bride .


  24. Once you 're living off campus and in the real world , you 'll be stunned by how smart the men are not . You 'll no doubt meet some eligible guys in your workplace , but it 's hazardous to get romantically involved with co-workers .


  25. So it was something of a surprise this week when word broke that the two men , who are no longer romantically involved but still run their business together , had given an interview in the Italian magazine Panorama in which they said they opposed gay people having families of their own .


  26. It has become pretty impossible to cleanse your mind of an Ex File when our respective news feeds are so often congested with exes posting every moment from their nights out - some of those nights including pictures with said ex posing ambiguously with another person that may or may not be romantically involved with them .
